Total restoration: Michael Chafitz shares 5 benefits of holistic therapy

Michael Chafitz knows a thing or two about restoration.

In fact, he’s turned it into a career. Drawing on his decades of experience in the construction industry, the Pompano Beach-based contractor recently started Absolute Vein. This new company specializes in natural and marble stone repair and renovation. Whether it’s fixing old countertops or updating poolside marble, restoration is his business. But, for Michael Chafitz, it’s more than a nine-to-five. It’s a way of life.

Above all else, Michael Chafitz values self-care. After joining Mary Atkinson’s Holistic Therapy Courses as a student, he quickly became an instructor shortly after. It’s this mental and spiritual restoration that’s most meaningful to him. He enjoys helping others achieve a balanced life.

With this in mind, Michael Chafitz discusses the primary benefits of holistic therapy. While there are countless reasons to adopt these practices, he shares his top five.

Treat the full body

With a name like “holistic,” it’s pretty clear that these practices treat the whole person. Conventional medicine isolates disease and illness from their host, treating both as separate entities. By contrast, holistic practitioners emphasize care of the entire body. These healers understand that any ailments are a part of you too. Treatment extends beyond physical problems. Holistic medicine attempts to uncover the root cause of a condition, working to improve each individual’s mental, emotional, and spiritual health. As mental health awareness has become more mainstream, Michael Chafitz has seen a similar increase in people seeking this well-rounded approach.

Empower patients

Don’t be passive. Holistic therapy offers participants an active role in the healthcare process. A doctor and patient are a collaborative team, joining forces to achieve total-body wellness. This is not true in traditional medicine. Patients typically rely solely on a doctor’s recommendation, with very little individualized attention. Your overall health should not be a top-down proposition. Holistic therapy is about controlling one’s health goals. Here, education and prevention are at a premium.

Provide personalized attention

You deserve to be a priority. As Michael Chafitz points out, holistic therapy is committed to offering one-on-one care. Traditional doctors face numerous daily constraints. A complete review of a patient’s treatment needs is virtually impossible with limited time, energy, and pricing structures. Fortunately, holistic therapy isn’t restrictive. Here, patients are treated as individuals. It’s that simple.

Suffer fewer side effects

Every disease requires specialized treatment. However, in most cases, holistic therapy is less invasive. Using natural herbs and medicines, these procedures produce fewer side effects overall. In reality, taking prescription medication can result in new, unwanted issues. By design, the alternative, holistic methods aren’t addictive. These seek to remove side effects altogether. The focus is on diet and lifestyle changes that yield long-term results.

Emphasize prevention

Most people visit a doctor after it’s too late. Appointments are scheduled only after symptoms emerge. Holistic therapy is different. Prevention is key. By promoting a comprehensive approach, illnesses are squashed and the immune system is boosted. Both of these reduce the need for costly, traditional treatments. Michael Chafitz and others also utilize wellness visits to pre-emptively address any lingering issues. These check-ins are designed to keep individuals aligned with their overall health objectives.