Standard treatment is the discipline of doctors, osteopathic medicine practitioners, and allied health professionals, such as physicians and nurses. Alternative medicine is the term for non-standard medical products and procedures. It is unlikely that additional treatments will harm and will not interfere with your current treatment. It describes medical treatment used as an integral or complementary therapy, instead of mainstream therapy.Some various methods and practices are used to administer such medicines and treatments like the famous IV vitamin therapy that is said to cure hangovers and boost one’s immune system instantly.
Here we will learn about the major domains of alternative medicine present today:
CAM complementary and alternative medical and medical treatments are currently non-integral healthcare and physician practices. While an individual holding an M.Dor a D.O degree can practice alternative medicine it is not necessary that anybody practicing alternative medicine could do the same with standard or orthodox medicine.
Acupuncture: this is a type of therapeutic medicine that includes inserting very thin needles in your skin at strategic points on the body. Acupuncture is one of the main elements of traditional Chinese medicine. The overall health, like stress control, is being used ever more frequently. Practitioners in acupuncture assume that illnesses and diseases are caused by universal energy imbalances. In our bodies, the Ying and yang forces run along unseen paths.
Ayurveda: a natural medical system that was developed over three millennia ago in India, the Sanskrit word Ayur(life) and Veda(knowledge)combine to form the word Ayurvedathus it translates into life wisdom. Ancient India’s Ayurveda is a medical science that tackles health, daily life, and longevity problems. Some people use ayurvedic practices for health maintenance, stress reduction, resilience, strength, and endurance.
Acupressure: acupressure operates on the premise that many different particular points are energy centers in the human body. The idea of life energy flows through the bodily “meridians” acupressure aims to promote movement acupressure, including stress headaches and stomach aches, which may help to avoid nausea and vomit. Proper pressure applied at such critical points leads to correct imbalances in the flow of energy in life and thus provides a solution.
Reiki: a Japanese method of energy-healing alternative medicine. Practitioners of Reiki use a method known as palm healing and hand healing in which the patient is advised to have a “universal energy” transmitted to promote emotional or physical healing through the practitioner’s hands. The use of the universal life force energy is hands-on natural curing. This is a Japanese word “rei” that means universal and “ki,” meaning essential life energy, which passes through all living beings it means vital life force energy.
Aromatherapy: is a holistic curative treatment that uses natural plant extracts to encourage health and is also known as essential oil therapy. It has worked also to treat a large variety of physical and psychological problems such as brushes, illnesses, depression, insomnia, and high blood pressure. You inhale or ingest these essential oil molecules through your skin during an aromatherapy massage.