After a cycle of steroids in UK (PCT)
This is a certain period of time for which you need to recover faster, minimize losses and take care of your health in general. After a course of therapy, it is not only the process of normalizing the hormonal background after a course of steroids, using special drugs. Sale of steroids in Britain are widespread, and therefore it is important for us that you understand what effect anabolics bring before and after the course.
Having studied this article, you will gain basic knowledge of the correct conduct after course therapy. In the course of writing, we will answer the most common questions, why do I need PCT and what are the nuances of receiving.

What is PCT?
Before you begin to describe, it will be important to focus your attention on one factor, which is often forgotten by beginners and athletes amateurs – this is a rollback phenomenon. Dear friends, please remember! When you “get off” the course of anabolic steroids, your mass will ALWAYS be lost, the result will not remain with you completely, whatever PCT you use and whatever you believe in, you will always lose weight and lose strength until you reach that initial level with which your course began. Why? To this question, there is a very simple arithmetic. The fact is that the male body on average produces about five milligrams of testosterone per day, which means that every day we get half a methane tablet. With anabolic steroids, the human body takes dozens of times more testosterone than without them. Take for example sale of steroids in Britain, whose daily dosage is 100 mg of the substance, relative to 5 mg, it is heaven and earth, and in a week some athletes can bring up to 1000 mg. Now you understand what an advantage in development a person receives in chemistry.

Accordingly, a person gains mass, he grows and his other qualities develop along with it, but this growth is not natural, the body cannot provide such results in a short period of time as steroids do, which is why immediately after the course we notice a breakdown in strength and muscle masses. Therefore, people come up with some kind of fictitious facts, like testosterone stimulants, which can increase testosterone above normal and reduce the rollback phenomenon to zero. Testosterone boosters are able to increase blood testosterone levels up to 10 mg per day, this is an insignificant amount compared to those of 100 mg per day and 700 mg per week, with testosterone at 10 mg, the body will not be able to maintain those muscle volumes that you gained on a full chemistry course. What is the conclusion ?! At PCT, the task is not to preserve the gained muscles, the main task after course therapy is to prevent the muscles from breaking down more than nature requires.
Here are several patterns that affect your results presented by a course of anabolic steroids:
· The larger the doses and the number of drugs in the course = the greater the weight loss after the course;
· The longer the pause between courses = the greater the loss of mass;
· The smaller the dose on the course = the less loss (but less and growth);
· The longer the pause between courses = the more complete the restoration of your body systems.
Ultimately, we have a double-edged sword, you can increase the mass almost without getting off the courses, as professionals do, but at the same time your health will be at constant risk of failure.
Again, the main task of PCT is to restore the hormonal background and the exclusion of greater mass loss than nature requires. How to do it? For this you need to solve a number of problems!
The first task, you need to concentrate on returning the natural balance of sex hormones, we are talking about the ratio of male sex hormones and female sex hormones. In the case of masculine (androgens), their synthesis needs to be restored and normalized, in the case of females – to lower, since on the course based on aromatization, most likely there will be more of them. The second point, you need to achieve restoration of libido and spermatogenesis, this is by and large not a significant problem, but still, if you were aware of drugs like Nandrolone that increase progesterone and prolactin levels, then this can bring some changes in sexual features are not for the better.
The third task is to tidy up the liver. The fourth is to normalize cholesterol, for this it is necessary to consume a daily dose of omega-3. And the last, very important point – the level of cortisol and high blood pressure.
Cortisol increases after synthetic testosterone ceases to enter the body, and our goal is to lower this level, therefore it is advisable to reduce the load in the gym after the course, due to the fact that if you try to plow in the gym with the same intensity and with the weights that are on the course, the level of cortisol will go through the roof, and thereby the process of muscle destruction will start, more than is prescribed by nature.