Many people do not realize how much nutrition affects their physical and mental well-being. Lori Nazemetz is using her years of experience in the nutrition and fitness industry to tout five ways nutrition affects your daily life.
With a bachelor of science degree in biology from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Lori Nazemetz wants to help others learn more about the direct correlation between their nutrition and the effects it has on their daily lives.
Below is the detailed list that Lori Nazemetz has compiled.
Energy Level
Many people tend to complain about their energy level being low and feeling tired all the time. The reason for this may very well be their lack of a nutrient-rich diet. Getting the proper amount of nutrients, especially in the morning, can fuel you for the entire day so you can power through your job, a workout, tasks that need to be completed, and so much more. Some people give the excuse that they don’t have time to prepare nutritious meals, but once you start eating more nutritiously, Lori Nazemetz says that you will have more energy and therefore, will get more accomplished, including cooking more nutritional meals ahead of time. It also helps to eat smaller meals more often while incorporating all of the food groups and drinking plenty of water. Alcohol should be avoided since it does ZAP your energy.
Weight Control
Lori Nazemetz said that taking control of your weight is a lot easier than you may think. All you need to do is pay more attention to nutritional facts and make good choices when it comes to the food you consume. Since better nutrition fosters more energy, you’ll be able to power through a workout without getting too tired to complete it which will, in turn, help you burn off any extra calories. Getting daily exercise will also decrease your food cravings and can very well increase your metabolism as well as your water intake.
Slow Down the Aging Process
Lori Nazemetz said if you are worried about getting older and you want to live longer, fueling your body with the proper nutrition should be a top priority since a healthy diet and exercise can lead to a longer lifespan. Proper nutrition and daily exercise will not only add extra years to your life but will give you a better quality of life and slow down the aging and wrinkling process since your body will be in better shape and more hydrated.
Think More Clearly
Lori Nazemetz said that by eating foods that are rich in nutrients, such as seeds, nuts, and avocados that contain the brain-boosting Omega-3 and Omega 6 fatty acids, you can actually increase your brain power and be able to think more clearly. She said that other foods that are important to increase your mental capacity include pumpkin seeds, blueberries, and broccoli since all three can increase your cognitive function and allow you to have better critical thinking skills.
A Better Immune System
Nothing is worse than feeling run down, sick, and unbalanced, which can and will happen if your body is lacking important nutrients. Lori Nazemetz said to increase your immune system and make it easier for your body to fight off diseases and illnesses, you need to ensure that you are getting plenty of vitamins as well as zinc and selenium. This is just one more important reason to eat healthily and more nutritiously while getting plenty of exercise.