Understanding Drug Abuse

Drug addiction is a chronic disease that causes a person to compulsively seek and use drugs. While the initial decision to take drugs is voluntary for most people, the brain change that occurs over time challenges people’s self control and the ability to resist intense impulses to take drugs.


Drugs that are often abused include marijuana, cocaine, opiates and methamphetamines. When people are addicted to drugs, all they can think about is getting their next fix. There relationships begin to suffer and they lose hope for themselves for the future.


When a person abuses drugs, it affects their brain by disrupting the way that nerve cells send, receive and process information. Some drugs, like heroin or even marijuana, have a similar structure to neurotransmitters, which are ‘chemical messengers’ naturally produced by the brain. This allows the drugs to activate nerve cells to send abnormal messages, by fooling the brain’s receptors


Other drugs, like cocaine or meth, may cause nerve cells to release lots of natural neurotransmitters like dopamine, or can prevent the normal recycling of those chemicals, that are needed to shut off signaling between neurons. The result is a

dopamine-flooded brain, Dopamine controls movement, emotion, motivation and feeling of pleasure.


This over-stimulation produces a euphoric effect in response to the drug. Once people come down from this feeling, they want to achieve it again, which sets the stage for drug abuse.


Symptoms of drug abuse

People addicted to drugs will show a loss of interest in things they once loved and will be defensive about their drug use. They will also have a loss of appetite, bloodshot eyes, complain of being tired all the time and pale skin.


Treating drug abuse

People who are addicted to drugs need to seek hypnosis treatment in order to get better. Common approaches to rehabilitation include talk therapy and group therapy. In some instances, if the addiction is severe enough, the person may need to check into a rehabilitation center that specializes in substance abuse.


While addiction is an ongoing disease that can never truly be cured, treatment options are available that can help people learn to manage their addiction and live a successful life. In addition to convincing their loved one to seek treatment for addiction, it is also important for family members seek help by attending Nar-Anon and Al-Anon meetings. An experienced professional hypnotist can also provide help in conquering any addiction.

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Let’s be realistic. Every day cannot be perfect, especially if you have to deal with pain. But when have a good day, enjoy it fully. And if you do not have a very good day, see what you could do to make it easier and perhaps turn things around. We offer ideas for each day of the week to help you deal with the pain.

Witness Of Gratitude

A new week begins. A new start. Consider this new beginning by thinking about things – big or small – that make you happy. In fact, write down your ideas on paper and make a list of things that really enthuse you. You will be amazed at the speed with which you will be able to establish this list and the benefits that you will be able to draw from it. And know that more than studies indicate that positive thinking and gratitude have a beneficial effect on happiness, health, relationships, career, personality traits and emotional well-being.

Above all, this week, remember that you are in charge – not the pain. And if you need a pain reliever, remember that the power of Aleve ® can relieve your pain for 12 hours and allow you to become yourself all day.

If you are having trouble this week, who can you ask for help?

Friends, family and neighbors? You must not feel like you’re bothering others. Remember, a day will come (and maybe it’s already happened) where these people will also need your help. Think of family members and friends you could rely on for emotional support, or maybe a neighbor you could ask to shop for or help with work in the house.

People like you. The members of the Aleve ® community know what it’s like to have to deal with pain. But they also know what it takes to live life to the full. Join them to draw strength from your story and inspire you to share your experience.

Tip for reversing the situation: Take a proactive approach rather than waiting for things to go wrong; plan to go out for dinner or have a coffee with a friend. The prospect of this enjoyable activity will delight you and help you keep a positive spirit. Need to know more? Visit to https://narinder-grewal-md.business.site/.

Physical Activity

More and more research shows that physical activity can be very beneficial for the body and mind. Although regular physical activity is optimal, even a simple brisk walk can have immediate effects that will last for hours.

Perfect Deals for Effective Brain hemorrhage


The term spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage refers to a brain hemorrhage that is clearly not secondary to head trauma, rupture of vascular malformation, tumor, anticoagulant therapy. High blood pressure and chronic alcoholism are the two main causes. Cerebral haemorrhage accounts for 10 to 15% of strokes. The mortality of the disease remains high and close to 40%. The treatment of cerebral hemorrhage is first and foremost medical. The indication for neurosurgical treatment is rare, and only concerns hematomas.

Pathophysiology and etiology

We speak of hematoma when the diameter of the haemorrhage is greater than 3cm (more than 20ml in volume). Intracranial hypertension can then develop. When hemorrhage is severe, it can spread into the adjacent cerebral ventricle (ventricular flood). An intracerebral hemorrhage of more than 85ml of volume is usually fatal. Health 2U Singapore

The origin of the condition is mainly chronic hypertension (67% of cases) associated or not with chronic alcoholism. A microangiopathy develops and weakens the wall of the perforating arterioles intended for the basal ganglia, the jagged nuclei of the cerebellum and the brainstem. These perforating branches of the middle cerebral artery or basilar trunk are thus at the source of the haemorrhage. This explains the characteristic localization of spontaneous cerebral haemorrhage in the thalamus, putamen, and internal capsule, brain stem and cerebellum. Sometimes the haemorrhage affects the cerebral cortex, or can invade a whole brain lobe. Haemorrhages of the basal ganglia in relation to arterial hypertension are the most frequent (85%), compared with those of the cerebellum and brainstem (10% and 5% respectively). This hemorrhagic focus is located in a strategic functional area explaining the importance of the revealing neurological deficit (proportional motor and sensory hemiplegia, cerebellar syndrome, hemiplegic coma).

The other etiologies are rarer, such as amyloid angiopathy, which results in recurrent haemorrhages, hemopathies with coagulation disorders, cerebral thrombophlebitis with haemorrhagic infarction, and hemorrhagic cerebral softening. These haemorrhages are more readily cortical or lobar.

The diagnosis of intracerebral hemorrhage

The brain scan is the necessary and sufficient test for the positive diagnosis of cerebral hemorrhage. Hyperdensity clearly shows the site and volume of bleeding. MRI and in addition, cerebral angiography is indicated to look for a cause of hemorrhage other than arterial hypertension (example: cerebral thrombophlebitis). After 65 years, in the presence of haemorrhage of the basal ganglia, and arterial hypertension, the practice of a cerebral angiography in search of a vascular malformation is considered useless. Conversely, cerebral angiography is recommended before age 55 and especially if the haemorrhage is cortical, and arterial hypertension absent. dental lab products

Evolution of intracerebral hemorrhage

In the initial phase, it is shown that hemorrhage can progress further by 10 to 20% over the first 48 hours, which may lead to a secondary aggravation of the neurological deficit. Subsequently, hemolysis reduces the density and then the volume of hemorrhage from its periphery to its center. This evolution can be followed by CT scan: a hypodensity replaces the initial hyperdensity. nlpuktraining.co.uk

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