An objective overview of the various web portals

Among the many types of websites that can be found online there are not only classic blogs or corporate sites, which we often deal with. A large part of the websites is that of the professional sites, personal sites that are in practice a “business card” for doctors, surveyors, engineers, physiotherapists, journalists and anyone else who makes the profession or, to use a more modern term , be a freelancer.

Importance of considering the budget

When designing this type of site, it is always necessary to consider first that the budget is limited then we must also think about who will look at the site, which looks for specific information that push him to turn (or let loose) that professional. In this article, therefore, we will try to make an overview of the parts that a website for professionals should have and which to avoid  this is useful for both professionals, who need to know what to ask to those who will design their site, and those who design websites but maybe he has never done anything like this. In order to get the best professional services you must always opt for LinkHelpers Phoenix Website Design Company .

Professional website which parts should not be missing?

First of all, there must be a presentation of the professional and the things he takes care of, because those who do not know him must have a general idea of ​​what his work is. It is essential that the presentation, for content and links, must be easily modified by the professional who can change the working areas to his liking and according to the changes that necessarily take place.

For each competency it would be good if there were specific pages, but not too many the sites should not contain, in total, more than 30 pages (including contact forms, address page and others) it is a professional, not a supermarket.

Important are the contact details, which must always be clearly visible both for the social part and for the real part the address should include a Google Maps, and the phone number should be clickable, for those who visit the site from the phone, as well as the e mail address. And, speaking of smart phones, the responsive design, or the site that adapts to the device from which you navigate is essential considering the many that will sail from the phone.

The parts to avoid

What should be avoided are advertisements outside professional activity (hence Adsense, for example), which earn too little to afford to undermine the browsing experience. Furthermore, as already mentioned, we need to avoid the supernumerary pages.

Also important is not to put any type of login, or blocks of any kind  the site must be entirely open to everyone and immediately, to avoid losing customers for pages that do not make sense to be private.